Maybe I thought I was prepared but I wasn't enough??? Anyway!
One of the thing I found the most difficult is realizing that I had left home at 6:30am to go drop my baby girl at day care...and that I came back home at 6:30pm!!! O_o
It's really weird to get to see my lil' pumpkin only about 2-3 hours in a day...Guess I'll get use to it...One thing's fore sure though, I think I'll enjoy my weekend with my little family more than ever!
Talking about weekend, we have a big one coming up! Baby will be turning one on Friday (I may sound like a broken record but I still can't believe it!!! Time goes by so freakin' fast!) so Saturday, we've got lots of cooking, prepping, cleaning & decorating to do (along with the laundry, the dishes & everything else!) It's gonna be a big week but at least, we will have a great time on Sunday! Can't wait to share some pictures with you guys!...I also can't wait to eat some cupcakes!
Gotta go wake the little one...then I'm off to work!
Have a nice one!
PS: How was your "back to work" experience? I'd like to hear about it!

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