Dear Logan,
This week, you turned 2 months old. Life is going crazy fast, but I'm trying to take it all in & enjoy each & every little moment I get to spend with you. Sometimes I wish my eyes could take pictures, just to make sure I don't forget a thing! I'm actually a real mamarazzi, (you must have figured this out by now) my iphone always in hand to make sure I can capture your sweet smiles. You smile a lot, more & more everyday and it's just the sweetest thing! In a few months, you'll probably be damn tired of me taking pictures! ;) Lately, you've started making the cutest little noises, like you were trying real hard to communicate with us & tell us something truly important! Your sister finds it soooo exciting when you try to "talk" to her!
Happy happy baby! |
Dear Livia,
You are the sweetest sister Logan could have! You are so wise, always telling me what I should do when he cries: "Logan is crying for mommy's milk...Logan has yellow poop in his diaper". You're killing me with cuteness! You always want to help out whenever possible & that's just the sweetest thing. You love entertaining your brother on his play mat, I can't wait to see you both play together when he'll grow up (Actually, that's just a saying, I CAN totally wait since you are both growing up so fast!)
Say cheese!!! |
A few months ago, when I wrote
this post, somebody told me this:
"Your love will multiply, it won't be shared..."
Well that couldn't be more true! Just when you think you couldn't ever love more...your love grows x 2! This is a time of my life (our lives) I never ever want to forget!