First, I did an itsy bitsy homemade photo session with my kiddos (because Logan is already one week old & we all know how time can simply fly by, especially when it comes to kids...) This particular picture makes me quite proud... I have to pinch myself because I can't believe that (at almost 27 years old) I'm the mother of 2 and that THESE 2 gorgeous are MY kids!
Then, in the afternoon, I received a message from Audrey, the photographer from the lifestyle family session we did about a month ago. My pictures were ready! I got so excited!!! And I was totally mind-blown when I got to see them! She is one talented woman! It's like she understood exactly what I wanted...everything about these pictures is perfect & just looking at them makes me so freakin' happy! This below is only part of it...there are so many pictures, I've picked out a few favorites! :)
(if you ever live in the Montreal area & would like a session of your own, you can check out her website & facebook page to get in touch with her.)
Hope you are all having a nice week!
Things are pretty busy over here, but everything is going great! I couldn't be happier! :)
Take care!

magnifiques photos!