A while ago, I’ve came across those cool growth charts that looked like
oversized rulers, and I totally fell in love! One more project on my “amazing Pinterest projects to-do list”…you know that list of all the projects you want to tackle but probably will never have the time to? Please tell me I’m not the only one with such a list?!?!
But guess what? Last week, since I was on vacation, I’ve had time to create my own growth chart and I’m so so proud of the result! Couldn’t seriously be happier about it!
My supervisor! |
1st coat of stain |
Right next to our living room for everyone to see |
I totally love the result! |
I’ve used this
DIY tutorial
which, in my opinion, was the more detailed & easy to follow. In
fact, the project itself isn’t that difficult…and it only cost me about
20$ for all the supplies! Can’t wait to mark Livia’s height for the
first time…if I could only find the damn white Sharpie marker I’m
looking for!
UPDATE: We've actually measured Livia since she wanted to & was so intrigued by the chart!
Livia is this tall! (but I still need to find a white marker!) |
Love it! Elle est superbe, ta grosse règle! J'adore ce projet. Avais-tu vu celle que mon petit mari m'a fabriqué à Noël? I mean, je l'aurais remarié sur le champ, tellement j'étais énervée en la déballant (surtout avec son écrire de tit gars naïf!). Elle est accrochée dans notre cuisine/salle à manger, aussi for everyone to see!
Noooonnn! Je ne l'avais pas encore vu mais elle est troooooop belle! Il a du talent ton petit mari! ;) Quel beau cadeau en plus! Et les autres cadeaux aussi sont chouettes! Comme je serai en congé de maternité à Noël prochain et que le budget sera restreint, je compte bien moi aussi faire des cadeaux handmade! :)