I've been TOTALLY neglecting you lately...I have to say that last week, I was in vacation and really tried to enjoy as much family time as possible! I'm so happy (& proud!) that my daughter chose my week off work to decide to walk for real! A week later, she's a champ! Ha!
I also had (and still have) this never-ending to-do list with thousands of projects and ideas in my head! I only wish there were more hours in a day, really! I thought that maybe if I shared a part of my to do list with you, it could help me get the extra motivation I need to achieve my goals?!?!
OK let's see, where to begin...
- Come up with a cute handmade gift for the sweetest 4 years old little girl...Absolutely HAVE to do that tomorrow night, no matter what, cause the bday party is Saturday morning! Haaaaaaaa! (August 4th: Mission accomplished! I prepared the gift yesterday night, finished it around 10:30pm...and you can see the happy bday girl here with her gift if you're wondering what I came up with!)
- Work on some templates for the opening of my 2nd Etsy shop (yeah, you heard right! ;) I've had this little project in my head for some time now, but really decided to go for it when I learned that I would be losing my job around Christmas! So keep your eyes peeled, I'll make sure to let you know when everything is ready! :) )
- Develop some new headband styling for Fall-Winter...I started a little proto...I think it's gonna be soooooo cute! One word: KNIT! Pics coming soon (maybe this weekend if you're lucky!)
- Prepping, prepping & some more prepping for my 1st ever Holiday season on Etsy! Am I excited or scared?? ...I don't quite know yet! ;) But I know I have some neat ideas for gift sets, but I'm still waiting for some fabrics & supplies ordered in the last few weeks! To be continued...
- Expense report! :( It really isn't the most exciting task, but I really need to sort out all of my supplies receipts and put everything in order!
- And in between all these tasks of course, there's always the dishes, the laundry, the groceries....and the most important thing of all : BEING A MOM & A GIRLFRIEND!!! :) I know "girlfriend" might sound weird...like if we were still teenagers! Haha! But the thing is, we're not married (and never will be!)...so what else can I say! ;)
So that's it for now...I'll try to concentrate on these!
Before going to bed, I need the share a few pictures with you...Just received my labels this evening! I was so excited, I had to sew one & take some pics! :)
Good night, sleep tight! :)

Ditto to most of that! Love your new fabric tags. I had mine made up on Etsy and was super happy. =) I did the expense report the other night, no fun at all, but worth it for tax purposes, ha ha! Wait, are income taxes the same in Canada? Glad you enjoyed your time off with the family!!! Take care!