So many things to do, so little time! What did I tell you guys about...hum...2-3 weeks ago!
"I'd like to call this the "5 weeks challenge", but I'm just afraid that I'll get disappointed if I don't get through the list! You know what I mean!"
Guess what?...time is flying by and even tough I've checked some things off my's still quite long!
Besides from the little one being sick, I guess my biggest "challenge" has been Pinterest...or staying off Pinterest should I say! This thing is so freakin' addictive!!!
Anyway, here's what I've been working on lately (in between diaper changes, laundry & dirty dishes!)
Some custom orders for friends
Also did a little photo session with my best friend and her baby girl!
I bought the supplies I needed to prepare the party decorations for baby's 1st bday...This is only the start, but I'm so pleased with my color scheme choice...and really happy with the way the invitations came out! Love it!
Ok so what's next... there's a quilt I'd like to finish, some painting that needs to be done in the house...also wanted to start working on the slipcovers for our couch (just to give you an idea...I've had this project since we moved in our house...about 2 years ago!!!! But before cutting all the pieces, I need to preshrink my 11-12 yards of fabric...I'm planning a trip to the laundromat very soon!) Also really need to add some listings to my Etsy shop...and prepare all the DIY decorations for my sweetie's bday!
Can I please get more than 24 hours in a day?!?!
Good luck to me!
I'll keep you posted!
Take care!

Yay!!! During baby's nap, I've been able to create a new tooth fairy pillow, take some pictures, edit them & list it on Etsy! Really happy! :)