7:00 - Woke up to see a little birdie standing by my bedroom door with her new stuffed bunny (she's in the Easter spirit!)
7:15 - Shower time for both of us! Goodbye bed heads!
7:40 - We sat down to have breakfast (although Livia gave almost half of hers to the dog!)
9:00 - We left to run some errands. On our list:
- Stop by a cute chocolate shop to buy some Easter treats for the cousins
- Stop by my favorite eco-conscious shop for some natural teething drops (yes, Livia is teething again! :( Molars!)
- Find some Spring accessories for Livia as the weather is starting to warm up...this little person is growing up so fast, her Fall accessories are not fitting her we need jersey hats, little gloves & a pair of booties....(and I ended up finding some little Spring ankle boots for myself! ;)
- Final little stop at the grocery store because the fridge is pretty empty!
Let me tell you, running errands for about 3-4 hours on your own with a toddler while being pregnant... it's quite a challenge! I was exhausted! And she was too apparently! ;)
She fell asleep about 5 minutes before we came back home! Typical! |
12:30 - We finally came back home and ate lunch
1:00 - My boyfriend comes back from work telling me we might have friends over for dinner...Okay....That wasn't planned....Better get moving & clean up the house a little! :\
2:00 - Nap time for the little one...
3:15 - She's still not sleeping & ripped off 3 pages of her favorite book?!?! What the...?!?!
4:00 - We made chocolate mousse
Sneaky girl...waiting for me to turn around to steal come chocolate! |
Simple chocolate mousse, 3 ingredients: Chocolate, eggs & sugar |
5:00 - The boys decided to make themselves killer burger...but I on the other hand had another I decided to make myself ( & Livia) a killer mac n' cheese ! :) (Thanks Jamie Oliver for all your awesome recipes!)
5:30 - The mac n' cheese is now in the oven so I can rest a little while the boys are entertaining the little one (which is really a good thing because she has SOOOOOOO much energy for someone who almost didn't nap!)
6:45 - Dinner was so good!
7:00 - Time to paint Livia's toes! Light pink...with extra glitter this time! She loves it!
7:30 - My little bird is getting pretty tired...Time to cuddle up in my bed to watch some cartoons while she drinks her milk and then, off to sleep.
It's now 8:00pm, the boys are watching a 3D movie, my baby's fast asleep and I just feel like making myself a latte and go to sleep early! This mama is really tired! Really! Tomorrow I need to dedicate as much time as possible to custom I better get a good night of sleep!
Hope you all had a great Friday!
What have you been up to?