Thursday, January 31, 2013

The reason why...

Yep people!
We have a bun in the oven! :)
This tiny little human growing in my belly is the reason why I haven't really been around these last few weeks...It's also the reason why I've been so extremely tired lately & developped a real addiction for naps...the reason why my sewing machine has been collecting dust...the reason why my Etsy shops have been slightly put on hold (there's not much stock left & I've been simply too busy sleeping whenever I could, I didn't take time to make more listings!)...the reason why I have sugar cravings at night...the reason why I've been drinking chocolate milk instead of coffee ( I know I'm allowed to have a cup of coffee per day...I had even bought some decaf but somehow, with this pregnancy, coffee is a real turn off! )

Hopefully, in a few weeks, the extreme tiredness from the 1st trimester will be long gone & my energy level will be back to normal! One thing's for sure, this new adventure will most probably get my creative juices flowing like crazy! ;)
2013 is going to be an AMAZING year!
Cheers everyone!

Keep in touch!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday afternoon baking

Sooooooo happy I've had my 1st baking session with my little one this afternoon! I'm sure that in the years to come, Saturday (or Sunday) afternoon baking could become one of our traditions! :)

Let's get to work! (PS: excuse the mess in the background! haha!)
Yummy batter!
Wanna taste?!?!
"Nom nom" she said!
One of my Christmas gift: a Babycakes Cake Pop Machine
Freshly dipped in chocolate
The end result! I like to think I'm not too bad for a 1st timer! :)
Eve on a stick, Cake =Mess!
Even the dog wants some!

I know I haven't been around for about 2 weeks, but since this is my 1st 2013 post, I'd like to wish you all an amazing year filled with joy, laughter & love!

Keep in touch!