We have a bun in the oven! :)
This tiny little human growing in my belly is the reason why I haven't really been around these last few weeks...It's also the reason why I've been so extremely tired lately & developped a real addiction for naps...the reason why my sewing machine has been collecting dust...the reason why my Etsy shops have been slightly put on hold (there's not much stock left & I've been simply too busy sleeping whenever I could, I didn't take time to make more listings!)...the reason why I have sugar cravings at night...the reason why I've been drinking chocolate milk instead of coffee ( I know I'm allowed to have a cup of coffee per day...I had even bought some decaf but somehow, with this pregnancy, coffee is a real turn off! )
Hopefully, in a few weeks, the extreme tiredness from the 1st trimester will be long gone & my energy level will be back to normal! One thing's for sure, this new adventure will most probably get my creative juices flowing like crazy! ;)
2013 is going to be an AMAZING year!
Cheers everyone!
Keep in touch!