Here I am, sitting in front of my computer, talking to you people...who would have thought I would one day upgrade my blog lover/ follower status and decide to become a blogger myself?!?! At least, up until recently, I would have never thought...
Let's start from the start...
Creativity has always been like fuel for me! As far as I can remember! When I was young, I started with dancing, drawing, painting...then I discovered a real interest for fashion nd sewing...if I remember correctly, I was about 12 years old when I got my very first sewing machine. It was a real revelation for me, so I decided to study fashion design!
I graduated in 2006 and since then, I never stop creating & crafting... at one point, I was into jewelry, then I learned to knit (thanks to my good friend Joe from the blog
My best me)...I've also developed a real passion for home decoration...and not so long ago photography.

It might sounds a bit cheesy but till this day, out of all my creations, the greatest one, the one I'm most proud of is clearly my daughter! She was born in May 2011 and since then, I'm really into baby accessories & toys...go figure out why! After all, our little world now revolves around her, it think it's only normal that most of my inspiration comes from her also!
After creating some unique soft toys and cute accessories for me little one and getting tons of comments about it, I decided to open my own
Etsy shop about a month ago.
The blog idea then started to bloom in my head...I see this blog as a way to communicate with you guys, to give you behind the scenes details, or sneak peek of what I'm working on... Call me crazy but it feels kinda good to share with you guys, even tough I might not even know most of you! (I truly believe my need for communication might have something to do with the fact that I've been a stay at home mom for the last...hum...11 months or so!!!)
Anyway, I hope what you'll read & see on this blog will keep you interested!
Let the sharing begins!